Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Why I don’t Blog that often….

As I am sitting here trying to decide what to write about on my blog…. I … well I hear crickets… 

I got nothing… nada… zilch….zero.

I could tell you that it is cold and dry and is probably going to stay that way for awhile. We have a few isolated chances for snow flurries throughout the week but nothing that is going to cause major travel problems. This is a far cry from what the weather models (didn’t want you to think that I was talking about Victoria Secret models for crying out loud!) were saying as late as Friday of last week. Just goes to show you that weather forecasting is not as easy as it looks although I still believe that there is a set of dice involved somewhere in the equation.

I could talk about the OSU BCS debacle and how I feel about the country getting to see a rematch of two outstanding SEC teams. Do I think that OSU deserved to be in the BCS championship game? Yes. Do I think that the two best teams in the country are playing each other in said game? Yes. OSU is getting rewarded for their hiccup in Ames, Iowa. Unfortunately they, OSU, needed to run the table to get into the BCS game. They simply don’t have the respect that a SEC powerhouse has. They need to continue this season into another 10 + win season and another and another. Then they will get the attention of the folks that vote. It would have made a great end to a Cinderella season but they are still getting to go to the Fiesta Bowl and play the #4 team in the Nation! Stanford has a Heisman hopeful in Andrew Luck and is a really good team altogether. I look forward to watching them play with the vim and vigor that they did against the instate rivals OU. It should be a great game.

I could talk about politics but I don’t want to bore you, all … well I really don’t know how many of you are out there.

I could post a really cute pic of one of my cats but I will save that for when I really don’t have anything to talk about.

So for not having anything to talk about…. Well I was able to get almost 400 words out of it.

Hopefully I will have a better post tomorrow.

Until then… Be Safe!

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