Friday, November 25, 2011

Things that I am thankful for.

Hello out there Blogosphere!

I want to try and post this list every year that I am around and able too. This is a top ten list of sorts although the order of these does not represent the order of importance!

10. Job. -  I am thankful that I have a job of course! In this economy if you don't have a job then times are very tough for you. I pray for those of my friends that don't have a job. I simply can't imagine the apprehension that you all must be going through. Hopefully you know where your next meal is coming from and that you have a roof over your head or a place to sleep. I can't offer much in the way of assistance but I can put you in touch with people who can here in the Oklahoma City area. Reach out to me if you need some contact information.

9. Transportation. - This goes along with having a job... without transportation... well to put it simply I wouldn't be able to maintain a job. In a city whose public transportation system is abysmal to say the least! If you don't have a car or bike or some way to get around then you have to walk and that is really not an option in a city as large as Oklahoma City.

8. Great In-laws. - In a world that is lived out on TV shows like Dr. Phil and Jerry Springer. I am truly blessed to have great in-laws! I always tell my wife that I used up all of my luck when I met her. This includes my wife's parents. Vince and Marilyn are two of the most wonderful people ever put on this earth! Vince is like a second father to me and Marilyn a second mom.

7. Faith. - My faith is what I hope is developing me into a good husband and, hopefully soon, a father. I would not have found my faith had it not been for my wife and her parents. I will owe them for eternity the gift that they have shined my eyes upon.

6. REACT & 5. The American Red Cross. - I include these two together because they have allowed me
to do something I love. I get to help people. Both programs have introduced me to some really great people in this community. People that would literally give you the shirt off their back if you needed it. My work with REACT led me to my work with the Red Cross.

4. Friends. - Where would I be without my friends. My work friends keep me sane on a tough day at work. My volunteer friends have my back during intense pressure and sometimes overwhelming suffering. My friend friends have had my back since high school. One of them has been my best man others have been confidants. One of them is my lover and my wife… one in the same I assure you! All of these friends are people that I laugh with, cry with and share the good and bad with! I wouldn’t be the person I am today without each and every one of them. God bless them all!

3. My Idaho Family. - My Dad and Marian… where do I start. Dad, we have had some issues in our relationship that we are both trying to rebuild and put the bad aside. For that I will be eternally grateful! Our renewed relationship is something that I cherish and look forward to nurturing. Marian, I haven’t gotten to know you as well as I should have. You are an amazing lady. I think about all of the times that you have kept the home fires burning while dad went off to another state and earned his part of the money. You also worked a full time job and raised a daughter that has turned into a stellar young woman. Sara, I just want you to know how proud I am of you and can’t wait to make up for lost time.

2. Mom. - Mom, I don't know how to put into words the important role that you have played in my life. I would not be the person I am today had I not been raised by you. You have been a great friend, mentor and Mom. You have always been fair and exceedingly generous

1. Stephanie. - 7 years ago you came into my life in of all places... Russell’s! It was a whirlwind 2 year romance and has been a wonderful and challenging 5 1/2 years of marriage. You are my best friend, my lover, my confidante, an amazing cook and incredibly talented person. God has blessed me with a true gem and to him I will be forever thankful. I love you so much!

I hope that all of you have had a great Thanksgiving day and that you know your things that you are thankful for. Life is finite. Be sure and tell your family and friends that you love and cherish them each and every day!

Please be safe!

God Bless.


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