Friday, December 30, 2011

2011... a wild weather year to say the least!

(Image Courtesy of the Norman NWS website)
It seems that a lot of bloggers that I read are doing a year in review and well... I am lucky if I can remember last week let alone last month or the last year. Thank goodness that our friends and fine public servants over at the National Weather Service office in Norman have done a fantastic job of recapping the wild weather year that we have had here in Oklahoma (click to enlarge image).

This has truly been one of the craziest years for weather related phenomena that I have ever seen. From the blizzard in Late January to the insane number of tornadoes that we had. This was one of the deadliest years in the nation for deaths caused by tornadoes.

The big temperature extremes have been very damaging to crops and livelihoods. The weather has tested communities and the nation with 12 disasters that caused a Billion dollars or more in damage. Organizations such as the Red Cross and FEMA have been tested almost to their limits... It truly has been a wild year.

Here is, as Harry Morgan would say on MASH, hoping that this year is a far sight better than the last!

Please resolve this New Year to be more prepared at work and at home for disasters. Also be good to your family and friends and last and most importantly yourself.

God Bless!
Be Safe!


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