Well I haven't exactly been a good blogger as of the last year or so... have I.
Well I promise to try and be better..... really I do.
It's not like I don't have a ton of stuff that I could talk about.....
My wife and I have been fostering two cute as heck little boys since January of 2012.
We are in the long, and I mean long, process of trying to adopt them.
My wife is amazing.... this is nothing new I just had to say this in case she reads this post.... hey you gotta let them know in the little ways.
Oh and as of last Friday I am unemployed!
Yes... you read that right. I don't have a job. That is ok though because you see... I will get one real soon.
Is this thing on.... Hello?
Ok, I might be a little bit apprehensive about that last fact. I have never not had a job. I have been working in some form or another since I was ten years old. If I left a position at one place it was to go to a position at another. The only real exceptions were when I moved to a new city or back home from those places.
Don't get me wrong... I am confident that I will find a new job, but it is still a little bit distressing to know that it could take awhile. I have done the usual things that you are suppose to do like file for unemployment with the State. I have reached out to my vast network of friends, family and colleagues. I have posted my resume on job boards, updated my status on my
LinkedIn account and even posted my lack of a job on social media!
So what to do now.
Well my wife has a nice set of honey do's for me to do and I also actively look for new jobs. I have also reached out to the Workforce Oklahoma folks to seek their assistance. I have my faith which tells me that God will provide all I have to do is have faith and do my work...
Everything will be just fine..... I hope.
Be safe everyone