Sunday, July 17, 2011

My photography

I have been a lover of photography every since I was a little kid. My dad bought me a Vivitar 110 point and shoot. I use to use the heck out of that camera. Over the years I graduated up to a 35mm film camera when I took photography in High School at Putnam City West. Linda Ralls was my teacher and mentor to a certain extent. This lead to a position on the school paper my sophomore year and then the Chief photographer for the Yearbook and Newspaper my senior year. I have always loved photography. I really love black and white photography. The starkness of the images.  The tonal qualities of a black and white image simply can't be beat. As of a couple of years ago I graduated up to the big leagues and purchased a DSLR. The images from that thing are amazing.

The Devine Miss M
Vince and Marilyn
Who is that mustached marauder?
As you can see that DSLR produces great pictures. I have also become a big fan of my IPhone! My wife would say that I am addicted to it but I contend that I am simply utilizing its wonderful features to help live my life..... Do you buy that.... I didn't think so.

Anyway, one of the Apps that I use on my IPhone is a photography application called Camera Plus. 

Camera + didn't pay me for this article.... really I promise that they didn't

It is a app that utilizes the built in camera on the IPhone. I happen to have one of the very first models of the IPhone. It is the 3G. It has, I want to say, a 2 or 3 mega pixel camera on it. Compared to my DSLR it is not that great but it works for instant pics and allows me not to have to drag around my DSLR around. Anyway, this application allows you to do some pretty cool edits and stuff. I will go into that later in a different post but I wanted to show you some of the pics that I have taken with this app to show why I like it so much.


It is a really cool app. I have included a link to the website in their logo. So click on it and check it out. If you like it, the app is available on Itunes for the IPhone. I am not sure if it is available for any other platforms.


Stay safe


1 comment:

  1. I'm still using Hipstamatic, which is sort of old. Can't wait to try this new app... Thanks for the rec!
