Tuesday, November 16, 2010

A day for giving thanks.

No this is not Thanksgiving.... not yet!

I am just in a thankful mood tonight. A guy that I work with was let go... we think. I say that because I can't imagine anyone in this day and age purposefully quitting their job. Especially when they have a wife and 5, that's right count'em, 5 kids. to think about at home. I can't imagine the feelings that are going through the man's head right now. Anyway, all of this just made me thankful that I have a wife that loves me. I have a roof over my head and a warm place to sleep. Oh and did I mention food to eat! Please pray for the guy and his family. Right now they need the warmth of God's embrace to get them through what I am sure will be a tight holiday season.

Did I mention the diet yet... no... well here goes. Stayed the same today. didn't gain any nor lose any. This is the second day in a row! I can't say that I am not just a tiny bit frustrated because I am. I am one of these people that is an all or nothing kind of a person. It's funny, I come from a family that has a long history of addiction issues that I don't have. THANK GOD!!! However, I do have certain personality quirks such as the all or nothing trait. Going on a diet and maintaining a diet is tough with this trait. I want results and I want them now! If I don't get them, well then I want to quit! Motivation for this is tough. That is why I am glad that I have my wife. We are there to kick each other in the butt when we need it and applaud each other when it is appropriate! So all of this to say that tomorrow is another day. I will wake up one of these mornings and will have lost some more weight and I will be happy again.

Oh and I also wanted to include a picture of our other cat, Zoey.
Isn't she precious!

Well that is all I have for right now.

Good night.

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