Friday, November 26, 2010

Another Thanksgiving has come and gone.....

Well another Thanksgiving has come and gone and again I am reminded of the fact that I have many things in my life to be thankful of. The list goes a little something like this.....

  • My Wife - Her love is unconditional, her heart is golden and her food Divine!
  • My Mom - She is my mother... what can I say! I am a true momma's boy and always will be.
  • My Dad - We haven't always communicated like I hoped that we would. however, we are making a new start of it and that thrills me to no end.
  • My In-laws - Vince and Marilyn, you guys are the greatest In-laws a spouse could have. You both have raised a wonderful daughter by your example and by the life that you live. God bless you both!
  • My Step Mom and Sister - Marian and Sara... I love you both and hope that our relationship can continue to grow. Sara keep on being the person you are.
  • The rest of my family and friends... with out you I would not be the person I am today.
I hope that you all have many wonderful things to be thankful for this year and I wish you a blessed and happy holiday season!

Peace be with you all!


Tuesday, November 16, 2010

A day for giving thanks.

No this is not Thanksgiving.... not yet!

I am just in a thankful mood tonight. A guy that I work with was let go... we think. I say that because I can't imagine anyone in this day and age purposefully quitting their job. Especially when they have a wife and 5, that's right count'em, 5 kids. to think about at home. I can't imagine the feelings that are going through the man's head right now. Anyway, all of this just made me thankful that I have a wife that loves me. I have a roof over my head and a warm place to sleep. Oh and did I mention food to eat! Please pray for the guy and his family. Right now they need the warmth of God's embrace to get them through what I am sure will be a tight holiday season.

Did I mention the diet yet... no... well here goes. Stayed the same today. didn't gain any nor lose any. This is the second day in a row! I can't say that I am not just a tiny bit frustrated because I am. I am one of these people that is an all or nothing kind of a person. It's funny, I come from a family that has a long history of addiction issues that I don't have. THANK GOD!!! However, I do have certain personality quirks such as the all or nothing trait. Going on a diet and maintaining a diet is tough with this trait. I want results and I want them now! If I don't get them, well then I want to quit! Motivation for this is tough. That is why I am glad that I have my wife. We are there to kick each other in the butt when we need it and applaud each other when it is appropriate! So all of this to say that tomorrow is another day. I will wake up one of these mornings and will have lost some more weight and I will be happy again.

Oh and I also wanted to include a picture of our other cat, Zoey.
Isn't she precious!

Well that is all I have for right now.

Good night.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Some beautiful Pictures that my wife took.

I hope that everyone is doing well and that their weekend was successful.

I am down to 372 on the weight loss. I haven't taken any other measurements but clothes are fitting looser and all of that type stuff. Still am having some problems with my knees but that is to be expected when you weigh as much as I do. Wife and I went for a walk this morning and it was really nice.  It was a beautiful morning, crisp, clear and refreshing.

The diet is going well. Evenings are the toughest. We are both use to eating a good meal in the evening. So going to a salad and some sort of protein in the evening has been tough. We will make it through though. The weight loss is a great motivator.

Anyway, on to the real reason I posted.

Below are some beautiful pictures that my wife took of our youngest cat Izzy. She is a little terror and does what she wants but is cute as can be.

She is part Maine Coon and we are not sure what else but boy she sure does take a good picture.

Anyway thought that you might enjoy one of the "kids".

The wife really did a great job.

Hopefully I will post soon.

Until then..... Peace be with you!

Monday, November 8, 2010

Sunday, November 7, 2010

I am sick and tired of being sick and tired..... right.

Well as I sit here on a Sunday night. I have been on a diet since Wednesday, November 3rd. This is the day after my birthday and .... well.... what better time to start a diet then the day after you celebrate the day that you were born. Others would celebrate by going out and spending all of their birthday money or ... oh I don't know.... going back to living their normal lives. NOT ME!!!! Not only do I decide to go on a diet, I decide to give up caffeine. Ok before you try and dial the number to the loony bin.... I am not crazy. No really I promise. I gave up the "Caffeine" because the last time I tried to diet, for a whole week, I lost the most weight when I gave up caffeine and I am hoping to have similar results.

So let me tell you a little bit about the diet that we are on. As diets go, it is actually a pretty good diet. It is called the "Big Breakfast Diet" (available for $12.95 at amazon dot com). You get to eat big in the morning, medium for lunch and then small in the evening for dinner.

The portions for the diet are pretty good and I will go into details on a later post. The thing that I like about the diet is that you don't have to give up your carbs and your fats. You just have to eat in moderation. Moderation is a funny word.... If I had just eaten in moderation I wouldn't have been in this predicament.

The diet has been ok, my wife is also on the diet so that helps. Support is a great thing on a lifestyle change. You need someone there every so often to give you a swift kick in the rear and my wife will gladly do that. The caffeine is something that I am doing on my own. One of my big weaknesses is Coke. It is a drug to me. It is also very bad for me. I would take it in the morning to wake up and get going. I would drink it at lunch to keep going and then start the process all over again the next day. It is also bad calorie wise. Each 20 ounces Coke has approximately 240 calories. So if you have two of those a day your already talking 500 calories of liquid sugar in right there. That is the pure definition of empty calories. It does nothing good for you other than give you a short energy spurt and then you crash.

So I figure that I am at least cutting 500 calories out of my daily intake right there. The key is not to replace it with something bad. I do love the baked goods..... cookies, cheesecake, cinnamon rolls and the list goes on. This will be tough to keep at it but here goes.

I will keep you up to date as I go along. I will also be filling this with the things that I and my wife do.

Anyway. Here is the stats.
Starting weight as of 11/03/2010 - 379 pounds.

I will try to find some sort of widget to keep a counter on the blog.

Wish me luck and pray for me.

Thank you and have a great day!