Well as I sit here on a Sunday night. I have been on a diet since Wednesday, November 3rd. This is the day after my birthday and .... well.... what better time to start a diet then the day after you celebrate the day that you were born. Others would celebrate by going out and spending all of their birthday money or ... oh I don't know.... going back to living their normal lives. NOT ME!!!! Not only do I decide to go on a diet, I decide to give up caffeine. Ok before you try and dial the number to the loony bin.... I am not crazy. No really I promise. I gave up the "Caffeine" because the last time I tried to diet, for a whole week, I lost the most weight when I gave up caffeine and I am hoping to have similar results.
So let me tell you a little bit about the diet that we are on. As diets go, it is actually a pretty good diet. It is called the "Big Breakfast Diet" (available for $12.95 at amazon dot com). You get to eat big in the morning, medium for lunch and then small in the evening for dinner.
The portions for the diet are pretty good and I will go into details on a later post. The thing that I like about the diet is that you don't have to give up your carbs and your fats. You just have to eat in moderation. Moderation is a funny word.... If I had just eaten in moderation I wouldn't have been in this predicament.
The diet has been ok, my wife is also on the diet so that helps. Support is a great thing on a lifestyle change. You need someone there every so often to give you a swift kick in the rear and my wife will gladly do that. The caffeine is something that I am doing on my own. One of my big weaknesses is Coke. It is a drug to me. It is also very bad for me. I would take it in the morning to wake up and get going. I would drink it at lunch to keep going and then start the process all over again the next day. It is also bad calorie wise. Each 20 ounces Coke has approximately 240 calories. So if you have two of those a day your already talking 500 calories of liquid sugar in right there. That is the pure definition of empty calories. It does nothing good for you other than give you a short energy spurt and then you crash.
So I figure that I am at least cutting 500 calories out of my daily intake right there. The key is not to replace it with something bad. I do love the baked goods..... cookies, cheesecake, cinnamon rolls and the list goes on. This will be tough to keep at it but here goes.
I will keep you up to date as I go along. I will also be filling this with the things that I and my wife do.
Anyway. Here is the stats.
Starting weight as of 11/03/2010 - 379 pounds.
I will try to find some sort of widget to keep a counter on the blog.
Wish me luck and pray for me.
Thank you and have a great day!