Monday, February 13, 2012

Snow totals for last night's Oklahoma Snow event

So as you may or may not know.... IT SNOWED!!!!!

we haven't seen any measurable snow for almost the whole winter and last night it made up for it.... someplace it really made up for it. 5.2 inches in Sayre, out in far western Oklahoma! WOW!!!

(Image courtesy NWS Norman website)
I hope that you all got to go play in the snow today!

Have a great day!

Be safe!


Saturday, February 11, 2012

American Red Cross of Central and Western Oklahoma: Wilderness and Remote First Aid Class

Here is a class that would be beneficial for all of you outdoors types. It also would benefit Scout Masters or anyone who goes to areas where you are at least an hour away from emergency medical care. Contact the chapter here in OKC for more details. For those of you who live outside of the OKC area you might want to check with your local Red Cross and see if they offer a course like this and sign up!

American Red Cross of Central and Western Oklahoma: Wilderness and Remote First Aid Class: Wilderness and Remote First Aid Class: March 24th and 25th in Tulsa 1-800-REDCROSS or to register. Train for ...

Tuesday, February 7, 2012