Sunday, October 9, 2011

Impressive storm gives some nice rain to oklahoma.

An impressive storm dumps a nice amount of rain over the central part of Oklahoma. From Waurika all the way up to Medford central parts of Oklahoma saw 3 day rain amounts that, as of 11pm tonight, totaled anywhere from 2 to 4.25 inches. The bad thing is that it came in about a 24 hour period. There have been some areas of the state that have been under a Flash Flood watch or warning all weekend.

(Image courtesy The Oklahoma Mesonet website)
With our lack of rain during the spring and summer months the ground is so dry and the rain has been so heavy that it can't absorb it quickly enough and causes a great amount of storm run off. Give the ground some time to catch up and this will help fill up those farm ponds and Lakes Hefner and Overholser.

A quick browse around Facebook and Twitter shows that everyone is really excited for the rain! We should all be thankful. Hopefully the southwest part of the state, which desperately needs rain, got enough rain to help out the wheat farmers. If they didn't it could add to an already costly 2011 if the 2012 crop is bad.

Folks, no matter what your beliefs, keep praying for rain! Especially in the southwest and down in Texas! They are going to have a very rough winter if they don't get some measurable precip soon!

That's all for tonight.

Peace to you all!


Thursday, October 6, 2011

Remembering Steve Jobs

I can remember as a little boy going to the mall with my mom and seeing this amazing new computer. It looked like an elongated square with a square screen and an opening for a 3.5 inch diskette. I remember that it also had a little box attached by a cable to the computer with a button on it. I remember asking the sales person what it was and he said that it was a mouse.  This little “mouse” would end up revolutionizing the computer world. The computer was one of the first Mac’s on the market. 

Fast forward to 2008 and Steve Jobs and his team of imagineers at Apple introduce a new phone. This phone was more than just a phone. It was a computer, Internet browser, personal assistant and everything else all in one. It has also continued the revolution of innovative products that Apple, with Steve Jobs at the helm, has introduced to society. Apple and Mr. Jobs have changed how the world looks at technology. This is an amazing statement considering Mr. Jobs was a college dropout and his company, Apple, was on the way to bankruptcy a few years before Mr. Jobs came back to run the company. Mr. Jobs lead the company, thru the innovations mentioned above as well as others, to its best year ever in 2011. They are the leading tech company in the world and with Mr. Jobs passing that will hopefully not change. 

Mr. Jobs innovative products and ability to think outside the box have garnered him and his company much success in this world. The products Apple has produced have had an amazing positive impact on society by improving the lives of millions through technology. I know that I am more productive with my iPhone because I don’t have to wait for anything. If I need to check on an email that I am waiting on I can do it from my iPhone. If I need to check weather radar… there is an App for that! If my wife and I need to make a reservation for dinner… well there is also an App for that too. I can get my news, sports and of course my weather all from my iPhone! How cool is that! 

Mr. Jobs, I pray that you rest in peace and that you find the comfort in the open arms of God. To your family, I pray that they feel God’s comfort wrap around them and that they celebrate the life and power of the changes that Mr. Jobs made in the world. 

Peace be with you Sir. 

From a proud Apple Lover!