Monday, December 9, 2013

Good Monday to you all.

Good Monday to you all.

I am trying to be better about blogging as I have a lot on my mind and I want to share it….

God help you all…

It is the Monday after a long weekend and I am glad to be back at work.

We had a pretty major winter storm move through on Thursday of last week and it dumped about 4 inches of snow here in the metro area. Now those of you who live in areas where you get snow all the time are laughing right now.

4 inches of snow… really?  

Yep really… I was at a conference for work on Thursday and it took me almost 4 hours to drive the 30 miles home and throw in a brief 20 min stop to pick up my boys… so you can see... we don’t handle snow very well here in Oklahoma. My wife was at work on Thursday and it took 3 hours to get home.

Anyway... Aside of the traffic and other headaches that are associated with winter weather in Oklahoma we did get to get out and play with the boys in the snow! This is only their second time to see the white stuff. The first was last Christmas at my Dad’s in Idaho. We took them out and pulled them on their sleds. They didn’t know exactly what to think about the white stuff and kind of became stiff. Oh well, I think as they get older they will get to where they are inseparable from the snow when we get it.

We also loaded the boys up on Saturday and took them to the Oklahoma Train Show at the State Fairgrounds. The boys really enjoyed the trains and of course every train that they saw was Thomas! They are just starting to get into Thomas the Train and haven’t learned the other characters yet so anything that looks like a train is considered to be Thomas to them! It is cute to see them starting to recognize stuff they are reading and to watch the gears turning in their brains. I have a feeling as the boys get older that we will have at least one train set in our house! I think that it is almost guaranteed!

On Sunday we got to go have Turkey dinner at me maw’s house! I married into a family of great cooks and while I have gained some weight I am very appreciative of the great food!

The boys always love going over to the Grandmas’ because they get spoiled and they pretty much have free rein of the house!

Well that was pretty much the weekend.

Hope everyone has a great week!

Be safe and slow down!
